Sunday, April 20, 2008

Met with Ian Long, my Blob Tree partner, - we climb it together.
He was telling me we now have about 400 blob tools now - wow.
All of them used all over the world - only small pockets of knowledge of their existence.
All on my iPhone and it is fab to see them portable.

There are loads of books existing::
The Big Book of Blobs.
Blob Feelings.
Little Book of Blob Questions
Blob Spirituality
You are a beautiful human person
and more ............

And we have posters big/massive
laminated and colour!!
I hope we will have Ball to throw around soon - all with Blobs and great for fun and opening up humans.
Also a Jigsaw Puzzle!!
Publishers are Incentive Plus and Lulu dot com.

We had a great meeting and loads of new ideas coming out of Ian,
who works in a School, and myself from a Training and Group work context.
We are going for a Blob Bible, a Blob Training Manual, Big Book of Blob Youthwork, Blob Emotional Literacy, Blob Questions and more and more.

If you are user, fan, Educationalist, Informal Educator, Counsellor, Trainer, Qualitative Researcher, People Person, Psychologist, Group Worker/Leader, Team Leader - any or more than these - please feel free to mention these tools in your Blog/Web-site or any situation you feel able. I would love it if these tools became better known around the globe. I can send you a pile of leaflets if you can leave them hanging out somewhere.

I had sixteen ideas in my little Life Book. We talked and talked and yearned and become ..................... continued in the process of becoming .....
