Friday, June 20, 2008

Wilson mansions reporting::

I have more scars than I can count.
In a strange and beautiful way,
they have equipped me more than any so called success ........

Five words to describe my life at the moment.
Earlier today, chatting with Dan, they were different. No tired bits - lots of 'focus' type words.

I have some space this w/e.
Will answer some emails, do invoices, play with Zig - Joan is spending time with her needy Mother.
I will count clouds
breath deeper
thank God
clean the outdoor chairs
get rid of winter
welcome summer
I will play music loud -Joan is away!
I will love humans via web
not the face to face.
I will recover.
loveitloveit .............................

I will be back when I am better ........
I am beautiful despite all feelings which may indicate not.
You too - are beautiful - yes.