Friday, August 09, 2013

Adlerian Principles.

I was there all last week and found it it be a great experience.
I don't know much about Alfred Adler and less about the Adlerian Society but
I am told I have an Adlerian philosophy.
That's OK with me. I like the principles here.

I am what I am.
Where I am.
I don't tie my boat up to any philosophy really as I am constantly on the move - 
discovery and willing to learn from all experiences. 
ALL humans WHATEVER their age colour creed faith scars beauty .....

I am glad you have clicked this way.
Hope you do regularly because you may give and take with me. 
Participation a great way to learn - because you have had a different journey than me 
and we can both learn from one another.
Thats why I love L5 communication.
Getting close.
Mask removal.
Self disclosing tablets.
Soul undressing.
You are a beautiful human person.
Not perfect as with me/all of us
But you will never stop being beautiful