Well well.
I am almost packed.
Never prepared.
Ready for final pack.
Shave shower.
Strong coffee then .....
off to Cheltenham.
Yes it is Greenbelt.
There are some great Festivals::
The year ends and begins at this Festival.
It is the coming together of a years work for so many BHP's.
Me included in a small way.
Smaller than ever.
Only Board meetings now a days.
For many years it was being involved with loads of groups.
Loads of responsibility
Loads of leadership.
This year is my last year as a Board member.
28 years I think.
I am doing/facilitating one workshop this year.
First one in last three misses.
Saturday 2.30pm
'Making Beautiful' is the title.
In a venue/tent called 'The Living Room'
Otherwise it is organisational support to the great small staff team.
AND - loads of Mint Tea meeting up with BHP's.
I love BHP 121's. They feed my soul.
They make beautiful for me.
SO I now have my coffee half empty (or half full!!)
Listening to music as always
AND will then be on the 3/4 hour journey to Cheltenham.
Then it is putting the last few things in my case
Checking my list - is there something not on my list?
Then on my bike.
I will try to BLOG whilst away.
I will post some great Pipturesques.
Maybe words ............
But I will be doing late nights every night
mornings really .....................
See you on Twitter/Facebook if not here