Friday, November 03, 2006


1 Which one are you in terms of behaviour, feelings, attitude?
come on - answer - it will be good ......
2 Which one displays behaviour which most annoys you?
- can you put a 'feeling' word to that feeling?
- would you consider that attitude/feeling to be 'Parent ego-state'? (should and aught feelings)
3 Which one stimulates fear in you?
- would you consider the feelings are 'child ego-state'?
4 Do you ever hide behind a newspaper or book?
5 The one talking loud on the mobile phone - what sort of feelings do you have when this happens - can you put words to them.
Can you understand why you have those feelings?
Are they Parent Child or Adult?
6 When you feel uncomfortable - do you hide, fight or flight - or engage?
7 If you have not answered these questions - only read them ........ Why?

** This is part of a Blob Tree Tool called 'Blob Train'.
Books downloads and CDR's are available - please contact me for details.
There are over 200 tools which can be used in different contexts.
To warm up a group.
To open up a group.
To build 'Team'.
To aid growth and development.

"Growth does not reside in a place called comfortable".
© pip wilson
