Monday, November 27, 2006

...... HOME FROM 'UP NORTH' AND .....

.... on the mat was this album by
Sufjan Stevens

It is a five disc box set of Christmas songs, some traditional and some self created by the exciting man himself.
42 Songs/Carols in total!!!
I have all is albums .....
Also there is a song book and cartoons and methinx it would make a great Christmas present for many humans. (Maybe you?)

Funny enough - I downloaded most of these trax from a Website when they were free last Christmas.
It was one of my Big-Joys last Christmas.
But I wanted to buy it this Christmas - because it is wondrous.
I never recomend anything because your taste is different than mine - but this is stinking beautiful .......
Songs done so beautifully different. .....
£10.99 from Play dot com
and I guess you can buy from iTunes too.

I plan to float a few of dem tunes on my PiPod come the Advent Season onwards ......... Advent Sunday coming next Sunday .... ......

I will do some reflecting from my week-end tomorrow as I have trod the paths of my youth hey hey ..............

stay beautiful
