Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Question for you.
Think of the last time

when you and your
closest/loved one/friend/partner/colleague
had some sort of conflict?
For instance::
* a sharp unthought out exchange
* a nasty comment
* a put down
* a sarcastic remark
* a raised voice in anger
* a step back into non-communication
* an hour of silence between you
* feeling annoyed about the other
* or maybe some other behaviour or feeling.

Have you done that?
If so - move to the .......

Second question.
At that time, which you have recalled,
was your feeling one or more of the below::
1 Hungry
2 Angry
3 Lonely
4 Tired

Usually, in my experience,
we are at our worst when
one or more of these
is alive in us.
Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired.

Today Joan and me
said we were both Tired and Hungry.
Talking about them is all about
emotional intelligence.
Instead of snapping at each other
we shared our feelings of being
Hungry and tired.

We stopped/rested/had something to eat
and talked about feelings.
The current feelings.
The understanding of feelings.
We were refreshed and moved on.

Clocking those mini-volcanos inside us
is the first step.
Being able to place a word alongside each feeling
is emotional literacy, which needs practice.
All these sort of learning activities, interior
and exterior, also massively keeps volcanos small.
Keeps them, not capped, but gently released -
without explosions, molten lava, fire and smoke -
and even ASH.

Reflect on these words.
Transpose them into your own experience
related to my question at the start/above.

If you go beyond only reading these words
to reflecting
to application
to your own behaviour
to your own feelings
to your own decisions
to your own development ......

I consider it will be a significant step forward
in relationships
in self awareness
in self acceptance
in self esteem
in body posture
in eye contact
in volcano management
in deep breathing/reflecting/satisfaction ...............

you are beautiful
a caterpillar looks nothing like a butterfly but one develops from the other ......