Monday, April 19, 2010

I do training courses in Level Five Communication

My left foot -
would that be a good name for a book?


I am blogging and don't know what to Blog about.
Unlike Twitter which needs a few words, often superficial,
unless you follow the election process - I do and love it.

Unlike Facebook, which is equally Level 1+2+3 but rarely -
Level Five - or four, the Blog system allows for more reflection
or whatever bloggers ramble about.

I am not uneasy about blogging from an empty head -
because I always have feelings I can start with.
Then comes a volcano, maybe the wrong word at the moment,
of eruptions/sparks/fire/carving holes in my soul -
maybe volcano is a good word..........

I have just washed the pans
Let Zig out for a run.
Before that watched '24'
which Joan and me watch every Sunday night.
Still winding backwards - I did some Greenbelt stuff
Had a great meal in - with Joan
Rugby League on TV
Newspapers/Church/Coffee at Sheilas
(Her trip to Argentina has been delayed until Tuesday??)
A walk in the Sun and catching a breath of fresh ash .....

For new to 'Level Five' things -
all I have just clicked is L2 = FACTS.
So much chatter is FACTS.
We don't give much away with FACTS
Not discussable/arguable/or interesting.
When I do training courses in Level Five Communication
I often get humans to communicate in FACTS just to get them frustrated.
A group who work effectively and cohesively together
are able to use all levels of communication including -
openness/vulnerability/sharing feelings and honesty.

Level Five.
I have no strong surface feeling right now.
That means I need to go deeper and dig my soul.
The things that I do have feelings about::
My email inbox and the 130 mails I need to reply to.
So many humans who I have not communicated to
Met up with/Given support to/enjoyed/loved.
Some humans are quiet and that lays on my soul.
My left foot still swollen some, but pain-free now.
My music which needs more listening to - so much new stuff.
A beautiful human in prison
A beautiful human rejected in childhood and hurting in adulthood.
A young human who is talented wondrously -
but equally insecure, dysfunctional and vulnerable.

Doing the above is practicing Emotional Intelligence.
Writing it enhances Emotional Literacy.
It is not only the big negative feelings which matter.
Undressing our souls is vital for development.
Just when the caterpillar thought that life was over, she turned into a butterfly...

So don't wait for the Volcano of emotions
bursting forth
damaging our interior self
damaging those humans around us
damaging the climate of trust we are in.

Does the wholeness/seem far away?/Unobtainable?/
Yes it is unobtainable/It is a journey not/destination/Life is
along the way.

Thanx for clicking this way
I appreciate it.
you are beautiful
whatever feelings you feel
whatever the Facts you hide behind
Whatever the regrets
Whatever the damaged relationships
Whatever the lack of purpose/direction.
Whatever the late night insecure thoughts ......
you are beautiful to the core
You are beautiful in your mysterious self
You are tires/asleep/hurting/loving/giving/receiving
every breath you take
every failure you make
You are ............