Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I ask a young woman why she is crying.
She says someone told her yesterday
she was unattractive.
She said she has always felt unattractive.
She had been struck by lightening

Sometimes we meet and
interact with humans
and there is conflict.
Sometimes it is our interaction
which is the last straw.
Tears or in some cases
more obnoxious behaviour,
aggression and even
violence sometimes.

Behaviour it seems to me is
NOT only about the immediate.
Often the damage has been done
over the years
or maybe a long time ago.

After the lightening
we hear the delayed thunder.

I have worked with humans all my life
who have, it is said, have 'behavioural problems'.
Certainly I have experienced terrorized sleep
all too often.

Once I remember Mrs Beautiful getting up in the middle of the night
and being violently sick.
This was all due to the tension I was living under
and she was picking up the damage second hand.
These were the living and working
in East-end London years.
Mob violence.
Professional crime.
Professional violence.
I shiver now at the thought.

After the lightening
we feel the delayed thunder.

It is vital to look beyond the behaviour .....
I keep saying
in blogs,
in facilitation,
in conversations.

To only
feel the tears
see the tears
is not enough.

The story is important
the journey of the weeping human
is all part of the behaviour
and therefore our response.
We need to be response-able.
Respond with love no matter what.

"there is no such a thing
as a difficult person,
only difficult behaviour"

I need to think more about this
as it is vital for life .............
that person I will next see weeping
certainly at Greenbelt
........... and my own tears too.