Saturday, August 20, 2011

I have been weeping this week.
Day one
a friend went off Facebook
a year ago last Sunday.
She stopped posting.
In fact she had stopped breathing.
I don't want to say her name

Heroin I believe.
I don't want to say her name.

She always came
when I led late night Donuts.
That was the name for group work.
Late night
same hostel
same time
same opportunity for 100+ to come.
She did
I don't want to say her name.

She always carried a coke bottle.
It did not contain coke a cola
I don't want to say here name.

She always sipped on it.
She had other addictions too.
human and chemical
I don't want to say her name.

She loved me
she always joined in
She knew if one human
in that group of 8 to 25,
whoever turned up,
had the courage to be honest
open up
share vulnerability
that it would help the whole group.
She did it
I don't want to say here name.

She helped by opening her self
and giving permission to others
to do the same.
I don't want to say her name.

She had experienced
massive misuse by men.
She was fragile and vulnerable
She was beautiful
I don't want to say here name.

I have lots of photos of her
none which I will post here.
She would have liked to see her picture
she knew I loved her
She knows I love her
but I cannot even ......
I don't want to say her name.

She died alone
one year ago
and I am still here
but I weep as I click
each time I remember her.
I don't want to say her name.

But I wanted to tell you about her.
Her name is .....................
I don't want to say her name.

Cash Converters,
turning televisions
into Heroin
since 1988