Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Your BODY ..............

What sort of body are you?
A busy-body
A lazy-body
A beautiful – body
You see my body, 

not my mind, 
not my soul, 
not my heart, 
not my feelings
Does any-body care?
Every- body wants to be a some-body
No-body wants to be a no-body
I am body – therefore I am

“The soul does not war with the body; 
the soul loves the body” - Meister Eckhart 

“Our sensuality is a gift from God; in fact, 
“God is our sensuality” – Julian of Norwich

“You need four hugs a day for survival, 

eight for maintenance, and twelve for growth”
Virginia Satir 

And so finally we are left with body. 
A body theology majors in touch, 
in feelings, 
in the senses, 
in sensuality 
(the English word for Incarnation) 
in what touches us and moves us. 
Body theology grounds us in the now, 
in the present, 
in the moment and demands a rediscovery 
of the reverence of flesh 
and a reawakening of the body, 
the resurrection of the bodily. 

I wish you all a SENSUAL, 
embodied, Christmas.

by James Hawes
