Sunday, May 18, 2008

I am sitting in Belfast City airport.
I am ....................
I am feeling privileged.
I am .......
I am buzzing from being amongst flowers opening up to the sun - humans.
I am ..............
I am thinking, feeling, purpose-full.
I am blessed by dipping into this group of volunteers and professional staff who are doing stuff that I believe in with all my heart.

This has been the last of a series of visits where I have been facilitating a large group in the big ting tings of life. Personal development, body mind and spirit stuff. Leadership training. Awareness and skill development. Shalom.

So many voluntary organisations fail to give young humans opportunities to grow through participation and involvement - into moving from taker to maker. Becoming future leaders in whatever role they decide.
So many organisations run programmes without meaning and purpose. No thoughts on personal development - just activities without the strategic thinking. Activities that only use time and entertain. No long term vision.
I say - think outcomes - not activities.
I say - think objectives not programmes.
I say - think participation not being a slave to doing everything.

I have only dipped my toe into this group. Only contributing one programme alongside a whole range of experiences.

I am reflecting deep. I cannot tell you about individuals who have inspired me. Humans who have moved from being in need, needing support in crucial areas of life, and getting it. Moving on from needs which were like a leather strap around the chest - gripping and cutting into vital organs. Moving from this to release and a different view of life. A liberation into knowing they can now understand themselves, others in their community AND realising that they can make a difference.

Thank you for coping with me as I dribble down my chin.
Thank you for listening to me as I reflect and learn from my experiences.

you are beautiful.

I have been invited to return in September and some further involvement with this exciting belonging-community.
