Monday, October 19, 2009

Last week end
I walked fast for a few miles
deliberately fast.

I had my old red Converse All Stars on.
I could feel my heels hitting the ground,
crunching the heels, every step.
I stepped large steps and with vigour.

When I stopped, I was hurting.
I walked home on my toes.
At home I found a big blister on each heel.
I walked on my toes for two days after.

It reminded me how a small stone in our shoe,
totally invisible to others,
can be a real pain.
Real irritation.

Some humans have been known
to place a stone in their shoe deliberately.
A reminder to stay humble,
a reminder to pray - or similar.

Transposing that to real life,
I think how humans have an issue,
a hurting relationship,
an unresolved wounding -
and we wrap it up.

We wrap it in brown paper, selotape,
and push it down inside our gut,
and try to forget it,

Another issue, hurt, upset is wrapped up,
more parcels to bury inside.
They pile up.
They are not buried dead
they are buried alive!
They demand emotional energy to keep them capped.
Just like a volcano ready to blow.
Emotional energy is wasted
little left for today - reality now!

Like a stone in the shoe
they are there, never forgotten.
Maybe returning in dreams.
(In Management
One principle I carried was
to do the most difficult task of the day
FIRST thing.
That done, I could relax and
dig in to the rest of the working day.
I had more emotional energy
to tackle the rest of life and work.)
Get the stone out of the shoe.
Get your sock off
Get the shoe off
Spend the time getting rid
then life becomes new.
Transpose that to the parcels.
Get rid.
That my need a counsellor with skills.
The ugly things in the parcels
need to be opened, dealt with,
examined, talked about, resolved and
emotional energy is free like a bird.

"I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I...
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference".

Robert Frost