Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Jesus, My Father, the CIA and Me...

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Jesus, My Father, the CIA and Me: A Memoir…of Sorts is being released tomorrow. I had the good fortune of reading an advanced copy of this book. I loved Ian's first book Chasing Francis, a book I have and will continue to recommend far and wide. Ian's new release proves what an extremely gifted author, word artist and master story teller Ian Cron has come to be. Schedule this book for your summer vacation and you'll thank me for the recommendation. Here is a small but beautiful excerpt from the book describing the books cover picture.

Cron Book Cover "When I first discovered the grainy picture in my mother's desk-me as a towheaded two year old sitting in what I remember was a salmon-orange-stained lifeboat-I was overwhelmed by the feeling that the boy in the boat was not waving and laughing at the person snapping the photo as much as he was frantically trying to get the attention of the man I am today. The boy was beckoning me to join him on a voyage through the harrowing straits of memory. He was gambling that if we survived the passage, we might discover an ocean where the past would become the wind at our back rather than a driving gale to the nose of our boat. This book is the record of that voyage."

Here are a few more endorsements:

“Ian Morgan Cron writes with astonishing energy and freshness; his metaphors stick fast in the imagination. This is neither a simple memoir of hurt endured, nor a tidy story of reconciliation and resolution. It is – rather like Augustine’s Confessions – a testimony to the unfinished business of grace." The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams