Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Blob Tree Tools come in handy. They are a gentle non-threatening method to encourage communication.

I have young humans on my mind.
They always linger
following a session of development with them.

I can picture them.
Their comments rerun in my mind.
Their behaviour -
avoidence of anything which triggers minor insecurity.

The amazment that they find themselves digging into their soul -
maybe revealing their true selves.
A little.
Maybe discovering more about themselves
because they are spilling.

It has taken a slow lead in.
The Blob Tools come in handy.
They are a gentle non-threatening method
to encourage communication.

Every drop of communication

adds to a gentle relationship building
with each other
with me.

Just going in doing one session
is not working in fertile ground.
If there is a series of sessions planned -
that can go into the design to work differently.
Knowing there can be more than one session
also gives time for their reflection between weekly sessions.

I love it.

It is tough because sometimes
there is little immediate responses.

I expect the worst
and delight in any glimmer.
Any glimmer of opening up
like a flower to the sun.
Towards becoming
all that they can become .......

It is a sign of intimate friendship,
when speech flows
freely from the heart.

