Between my ages::
At 15 I started working in a factory on engineering machines like this.
'Turning' it was called.
Making parts of machines out of::
Stainless Steel
Brass and other non-ferris metals.
Between 15 & 18 I was producing parts for coastal mine-sweepers.
Everything on board was non-magnetic.
Between 18 & 22 I produced parts for massive locomotives
which were exported to countries such as India.
Between 22 & 24 I worked in a small engineering company
producing parts for heating & ventilation equipment.
Between 24 & 26 I worked in Pilkington Glass Research Laboratories
manufacturing equipment for delivering inventive glass production.
At 25 I was married and one year to that date = 26
Mrs Beautiful and me were running a
young offenders unit in Cheshire.
15 boys - young offenders from Manchester.
That was the start of a mission -
still work (and learning) in progress.
Lots of stories about the ongoing journey are in my published books.
LOVE is a doing word.