Woke up this morning in a dream but because I had an attack of cramp in my right calf.
Jumped out of bed and walked around to ease the pain.
Still feel the residue of it 2 hours later.
But I remember the dream, a little -
I don't often remember my dreams.
I was at some large event & in an open sided caravan the was a young girl singing.
The Mike automatically dropped down as she sang each line - robotic like.
It was so good I called Connie over,
our Grandaughter, to see & we both joined in with the 🎤 singing -
I was excited & that's when I was hit by the cramp ..... & jumped out of bed!
I get these cramps when the adrenaline flows when I am facilitating training - when I get excited or intense.
Better than the gout I used to get.
I remembered a dream !!
(Only a little of it. )