Growth & development.
I was driving back from a gig.
It was with a staff team of
a multi-million pound company based in
the City of London.
I was buzzing as normal.
The impact of being with a
keen enthusiastic bunch of humans
always gets me going.
The adrenaline was flowing as I
travelled down a few UK motorways.
I wanted to write
inside - out =
capture my internal buzzing
onto paper so I didn't forget.
I grabbed a pad as I was driving
(keeping my eyes always on the road)
I stuffed my pad between my legs
and without looking down
I started to write.
It was about my experiences.
= The most toughest time in my life
have been my most intensive & deep learning.
My words scribbled out saying::
does not reside
in a place called
Human Development
does not reside
in a place called
does not reside
in a place called
does not reside
in a place called
A present this to you to
(I hope)
you can transpose into
your own life
Have a go??????????