Sunday, June 12, 2005


Originally uploaded by Pip Wilson.


..... ..... have you ever seen a little dog following it's master around - so close - never needing a lead or anything. Just following staying close .........
That was me today as I followed Joy in the shopping trails of Brussels .......... I had done my one thing by visiting the 'Wittamer' shop ....... maybe the best Chocolate shop in Belgium ....... meaning the world!
My friend Byorkvin from Iceland had texted me to remind me about the chocolate city I was visiting. I promised to have one on him. I did!
See the pic ............
Then Joy took over. She is a professional shopper - she does this for a living as she charges around London to select clothes etc. for models to ponse around for photographs. So I followed her - only stopping for a cup of tea to rest the weary legs and pump the soul.

Yes ......

....... hey pipdiddy here ..... been living life free in Brussels and coming down After a night of U2.

We have been free to explore today and have a great meal out tonight hey hey ..... one day I hope you can do this with your daughter or son.

This is her blog ..........

"cherry beer
asparagus de malines a la flamande ou vinaigrette et saumon fume
carre d'agneau bouguetiere gratin dauphinois

a hard days night

spending a weekend with pip diddy it makes me realise most of my bad habits stem from him - all social of course............ we must do this more often. i miss foxy bitch. loved hanging out with rock bitch. wish wiggle bitch was here too."

Such is life ......... we have loved it and it is late Saturday night now and home tomorrow ......

stay beautiful .....
