Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The website above
is mine and gives
more information.
Have a click HERE::

I have sketched out some blogs for next week.
You may not like me - if you do now!
It's little series of one liners.
Maybe one every day.
About residing in a place called comfortable.

Had a great week-end
after a harsh winter,
it was great to see humans,
friends, socialise, hang out.
Spring will bring the buds out ......

Winter is more isolating.
Even with neighbours.
Certainly if we need to travel.
Not had a Brick Lane Curry for ages.
Will do - when I get through this patch.

If Facebook was a country
it would be the fourth
largest Nation in the world!

This morning my brain was encased in lead.
Strange feeling.
It seemed to be resting - more like frozen.
I tend to be more alive in the evening
unless I am pumping adrenaline - then
I am kicking darkness anytime.

One day prep
then I go to Iceland for six days.
I don't know what the internet will be like there.
Guess it will be fine so it won't stop me blogging.
I need to Blog.
It has got to come-out of my soul.

Have you seen the movie PRECIOUS yet?
JulieB, USA, recommended it to me ages ago.
Massive it is.
I never recommend holidays, restaurants, music -
I just say 'I love it love it.

This movie had me sobbing -
two days after I watched it first.
I have cut it up into eleven episodes.
It took me 3/4 hours - of raw emotion.
I intend to use it in training.
There is so much in it to learn from.
That is when I sobbed.
Feeling it.
Letting it get to me.
Letting it crawl under my skin.
Letting it hurt
Letting it take to the place where poverty imprisons the spirit ..............