Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We went to visit our Granddaughter today.

Aged four and a half
She is beautiful.

I have such beautiful Pipturesque.

We are all a product
of those who have loved us
or refused to love us
or have been unable to love us.

I watched a TV programme.
"I hate Mum"
About behaviour in two children.
One aged sixteen
One aged 10 (missed the start so I guess).

It was about extreme behaviour in the home
especially against the Mother of the child.
You can watch it on the BBC iPlayer
free for the next few days.

Child psychologists were in action
and Family Therapists.
It was interesting to me
that they are working at the same
issues as myself in a different context.

They were trying to help the child
and the Mother to understand
Emotional Literacy.
If you are interested in this stuff -
the behaviour of your children
or maybe you work with children -
go see.

We are all a product
of those who have loved us
or refused to love us
or have been unable to love us.

It is important
that you love
the one person
who you will be
spending the rest
of your life with ...........