Thursday, February 11, 2010

I am conducting two workshops at this Conference in April in Birmingham UK.

Here are some of the details about my workshops.
More details on the LINK::

‘We can see a person's behaviour, but we cannot see their experiences’
About awareness. About understanding more. About being inspired by removing the clothes from our soul. 'For the sorely burdened, shifting the heavy suitcase from one hand to the other. For stumbling, fumbling disciples whose cheese is falling off their cracker.'

If all we have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
About skills. About developing tools, learning from extreme experiences and becoming better equipped. It starts today. ‘How strange that we should ordinarily feel compelled to hide our wounds, when we are all wounded.’


Pip Wilson::Biog
Pip is a fragile beautiful human person disguised as an author of fifteen or more books, posters and communication tools, exercises and games to be used as communication and development tools for eternity. Wounded and equipped by inner city youth work, London East-End youth gangs and living 39 years on the job. Involved and learning intensely from group work with Young Hostel Residents who have had tough experiences, which have resulted in them often leaning heavily on drugs and alcohol excess. Highly qualified by scars from vivid life experiences. Trains himself and 'special needs' workers - Norway, Iceland, around the UK in Schools, Youth Projects and especially young humans on the edge. Yearns to refresh irritation daily. Committed to a road less travelled because growth does not reside in a place called comfortable.

LINK for further details
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