Thursday, March 10, 2011

why touch?

I found that
when I got to grips with my feelings,

or started to,
I began to grow as a human person.
I often say I became an adult
at the age (about) forty years old.
That was part of my journey inward.
The opening and the owning of those vivid things
which seem to influence life so powerfully ...
... negative or positive.

"The unreflected life is not worth living" Socrates

Using a new blob drawing,
other samples of some are in my books,
I have led a group into this.

Which one is you right now in terms of feelings?
.... was the question and ........
......... fantastic level of sharing burst forth so,
I can tell you,
this blob used for the first time,
will be in my next book.

What pleased me was the honesty
in terms of sharing feelings.
Raw and to the bone.
Because it is not only which blob describes your feelings ...
.... but why?

Then it came out.
When you work with people
who have had massive disasters in their childhoods
followed by later crippling blows,
it is something special to hear their stories.

We end by picking a future positive blob.
What/where they want to be
and I join in all the way through.

Beautifully so,
I can see people moving and
they are progressing in their emotional life.
Some of them building on that self knowledge
and growing in stature.

I love it
it means I am reaching out
and being touched
by a shalom finger tip.

I experience beauty
and pain
and refuse neither.
