..... within ten minutes of the Church Service starting today .......... I was taken to a different place - a place of wonder - a place I have not visited due to my busyness .......... it was me - resting my head - my forehead .........
.............. it was me resting my forehead on my soul .......
.......... not a place of guilt or sadness or joy or words connecting with this cosmos ..........
.................. it was deep and I felt good to be there .........
.... and within that ten minutes ..... the trigger was the choir singing ::
The words were ::
>kyrie eleison<
......... try this .............. press the mute on the TV or radio .......
take your fingers off the keys .......
and say to yourself
your soul
the heart of you
the life of you
outside yourself
your interior
your exterior
"Lord have mercy upon me"
and say it about ten times ..... shut your eyes to close down the glass screen in front of you and say ........
in the
>"Lord have mercy upon me"<
........ and breath deep and feel the feelings ........