Sunday, March 05, 2006

...... I will post some pix in the next few blogs ....... because I want to and I hope you like seeing yourself and remember ....... about 40,000 humans will view this page in the next month and they will delight in you ....... because you are a beautiful human person ...... and remember ......... you can tell anyone in the world to click here .....

.... today - one hour before I came out of my sleep ......... I was planning the games for next week end.
I will be doing a games session on Friday night because I feel it will be the best for the group I am with ....

The last time I did a Rolling Magazine kinda-event was in the City Centre of Prague ....... 2003 ....... then I had a fab tam of about 16 ...... from many different cultures and nationalities....... only one of the team missed the event because they were sick of me ................ noo!! ......
Paul was sick and we had a gap in delivery (missed you paul!) ......... music - games - fun - meaning .... all mixed up ..... ...... Iloveitloveit ......

Next w/e I fly to Belfast and run a w/e for a group of adults and children from an estate in that community .......... I don't know how to do it but ..........
'If you don't know how to do it - just do it!!'
