Tuesday, March 28, 2006

... I am a
Happy Human ....

....... and these two add to my pleasure ......
Nice pic eh?

Wellllllll - I can make the Jose Gonzalez Concert after all ........ a gig has been cancelled so I can go with my little Sheila while the other Sheila goes to S Africa again .....

I am always pleased when someone gives me the opposite to the 'come on'........ and then over time they let me in to their world ............. it takes time and loving ...... I want to do that and I ask questions ......

"When we ask questions
we help humans to communicate
with themselves"

Asking 'how are you feeling' - and waiting for an answer - rather than walking speedily on ........ is a wondrous thing ......
............ so many humans are never asked that question.

If we answer it it means doing an interior survey - instantly.
It means connecting with feelings and being able to articulate them.
Not easy.
Not easy if being honest.
Not easy if you don't trust the human looking into your eyes ................

It is beautiful to enter into a trusting intimate relationship with someone - without someone thinking you are trying to get into their knickers .............. like so many male on female interactions.
It is beautiful to be accepted and humans will only feel accepted when they are accepted and ...... who goes first?

Knowing that there is a God ......... and knowing that we are acceptable with all his/her insight - is a a real good start.
But some are not there with that.
Fair enough.

But sometimes - all times - we need to to have the experience of human love first ......... are you familiar with the word incarnation?

Did I ever tell you the story about the little boy who was crying when his Dad was putting him to bed?
He said to his son
"Don't cry - God's arms will be around you all the night long"

And the little boy said ::

"But I want God with skin on"

You are his skin ................................
