Thursday, June 09, 2011

Symon Hill's Pilgrimage of Repentance


Greenbelt 2010 speaker Symon Hill is undertaking a unique spiritual journey, walking a circuitous route from Birmingham to London between 16th June and 1st July. He is doing so as a "pilgrimage of repentance" for his former homophobic attitudes. Symon said of the reasons behind the walk:

Symon said of the reasons behind the walk:

I have struggled for years with issues of sexuality – through prayer, reflection, personal experience and reading my Bible. These struggles have led me to the conclusion that it is not homosexuality, but homophobia, that is sinful and contrary to the message of Christ.

Many churches continue to reject loving same-sex relationships and to oppose equality. Others have failed to speak out due to a misplaced desire for unity. Given the hurt and abuse involved, minor changes are not enough. As Christians, we are called to take a stand against injustice.

Read the entire post