Tuesday, June 11, 2013

PARKER PALMER is all about the stuff which is so important to me.

I first came across this man 10 years ago and read a book which was my first ever book I have read about 'formal education'.
I remember reading it on a regular tube journey I made to Kingston, West London.
It was outstanding.

Me being an 'informal educator' - this was a big step forward.
I gave the book to a friend who lectures at Kings College and 
didn't get it back for 9 years.
She loved it.

It is all about the stuff which is so important to me.
He offers to me much which I cannot articulate myself.
I feel he knows about me.
The inner me.
The real me.
Not the pretend me.

You will have seen the words of mine in this place, if you click this way often,
about Level Five communication.
Here he is talking about this in different language.
So powerful to me.
So I share it with you.
A few minutes of your time here
could strike a chord deep in your soul.
Join me on the journey .........