Saturday, August 13, 2005


I feel a bit flat right now and I am trying to put my finger on the feelings - and why.

Feelings first ........ I don't even feel like blogging or reading my usual late night list of bloggers.
I am only clicking here because I need to.
Sullen - that's one.
Reflective but too tired to do that really.
Bit empty.
Not 'a glass half full' because I don't feel negative.
Not lonely.
Not unhappy.
I feel easier to click the 'nots' rather than direct feelings. hmmm

I have this commitment to myself that I will self disclose. Tell you who I am - here and now - every day ........
They are the feelings.

Why? I don't know - but something will come out as I click.
I have been in too much - working at home.
Bit tethered because we have the Mother in Law with us. I suppose restricted in my normal free flow. I get my stimulus and drive from books and music and many things - but mainly from humans. Maybe I have a virus or something because I don't feel a 'top drawer' hmmm.

You can feel, I am sure, there is nothing big time sad here - but I am not my pumping till 1 am - 2 am self .......... and off to bed tired ..........

So that's it. Level five.

I am out every day next week so that will do different things to my soul.

....... and I think of you ............. and how you may be feeling right now .....
