I slipped my ear buds in -
locked in my iPod -
Pete Tong - Dance music
2 hours of the best radio
head back
I always have a power nap with music in my ears
when a blinked again in reality
I checked my iPod -
one hour five minutes had passed.
I eased in my seat -
slumbered a while as the washing machine of my mind
began to slush around
swirl and then spin
I was at 30,000 feet
can I recall take-off?
That was earlier today coming home from Norway
now I am back at Wilson Mansions
deep in reflection
because the three days was full and experiential
full to the brim satisfaction
I want to sip at this cup
I want to drink at this well
I want to breathe in the experience
to the depth of my soul.
Especially the beautiful humans ............
Someone said to me a few weeks ago
"I would love to go to Norway and sail through the fjords"
sounds too much like going to Lake Garda
I once went to Lake Garda and it was closed.
Scenery - I love it
for 5 minutes
give me beautiful humans anytime.
That is what I call a view!!
I was invited to do some work with beautiful humans
a man called Sven invited me
see the first Pipturesque in the blog below - that is the man
There was, and is, a desire to do new things amongst the young humans there
I was invited to lead the three days to train them to run a
"Rolling Magazine" programme.
The RM is a programme I developed some twenty years++ ago
a book was created from it all.
It is a wild and wacky music based magazine show
full of fun games and meaning and purpose.
Maximum participation.
It is indescribable
because it is experiential.
I churns the soul amidst the fun
it opens bhp-flowers to the sun - midst the wacky
it engages humans in interaction to level-five depths
all midst games called 'Shock Shower' 'Knickers' 'making love' 'sieve head' 'Vaseline face'
and love is in the house midst everyone hearing that they are beautiful ...........
Du er et vakkert menneske.
Du er et vakkert menneske.
Du er et vakkert menneske.
Du er et vakkert menneske.
Du er et vakkert menneske.
We had a great time
in small groups
seeing faces shine with new meaning and feelings of value
hearing words spoken from the soul
feeling the inner journey as humans responded to permission to really answer
"how are you feeling?"
We had a wondrous times with a large group
vibe and motion changing emotion
roaring fun and laughter
almost a tear or two .......
from faith to fun
superficial to meaning
I want to click more
but I will reflect after I have entered the zzz zone again
thanx for clicking this way
I feel it
appreciate it .......................... you are beautiful