Rusty leaves lay a carpet before me as I step through the pavement puddles
My wet jeans cling
Umbrella held against the wind
I walk away from the kerb to dodge the car spray
the rain bounces and I smile as I walk to the train to slide me into and under London Town.
The underground tube trains are rammed
standing room only
multi coloured humans
turban, nose rings, working boots, hijabs, business suits, high heels amidst wet umbrellas.
A man is his thirties,
reading, white, silent like the rest of the closely packed humans,
he reaches out and gently touches the upper arm of a young woman in front of us.
Twenties, modern dress, hijab, iPod - and asks if he would like his seat..
The words pass me by, shielded by my own iPod -
but she is saying ,no thanks with a faint smile.
We cannot help but be touched by one another as we travel
but this was a deliberate touch
and I felt warm about it.
How did she feel I wonder?
An act of generosity
A simple but beautiful encounter.
My wet jeans reach their destination.
Body heat dries me out
waiting for the repeat on the way home.
Maybe this weather is preparing me for Bergen, Norway, next week
I understand that is famous for it's wet weather
but I will love it
rain or shine.
I love all this stuff
working with beautiful humans
most who don't know they are beautiful - yet.
But I must do my prep
otherwise my enjoyment will be curtailed.
for yourself
for those close to you
someone who know you intimately
and for those who you have yet to meet
in their beautifulness ...............