A School in Leeds
a dynamic school
a school like I have never seen before.
When I was at school, Mr Hill, Science Teacher, used to-ask at the start of every class
"What is the most important piece of equipment in this laboratory?"
We were all required to chant
"The Stick Sir"
Then he waved his stick.
One day he caned everyone who had marks less than 9 out of ten.
8 or less got the stick
6 and less got the stick
4 or less got the stick
2 or less got the stick
I had 2 out of 10!
I think I had hate residing in my soul in those days
today I have no space reserved for hate or it's friends.
This modern Leeds school
they have the first session every Monday
as a period of group work for all pupils.
The whole school is divided into groups of 5 or eight young humans
The group workers are many different staff and more
admin, teachers, assistants, outside members of the community - 80 of them
I have never ever heard of this before
stinking wow.
I was invited to go and run sessions for the staff
group work stuff
blob tree stuff
L5 stuff
bhp stuff
with about 100 on the day.
It was electric
feelings full
beautiful intense
powerful communication
'Level five' experiential.
I loved it.
It wasn't a session for the head, meaning intellectual stretch, it was for the whole human - it connected with the souls of beautiful humans. I could see facial muscles communicating with me. I could see the tightness of skin sharing with me, I heard reflective comments in a 'could hear a pin drop' climate.
Humans were digging into their souls to find expressions never reached for before.
Beautiful humans ......................
I was struck by the professionalism of all.
Yet all willing to welcome and engage with a non-formal educator. Willing to engage with 'motion- that changes emotion'. Willing to step outside their comfort zones and engage with .......... with ........ risk ................
Now I am on the train ............... clicking a keyboard with motion as I bump along - back to Wilson Mansions.
Feel tired
but not slept
needed to get this out
only a glimpse for you
not the full package which riddles my head heart and soul.
you are beautiful ..............
Mr Hill - you are beautiful too
I guess your own feelings were far from that
I guess your interior was pretty uglyyour behaviour was ugly
'bully' comes to mind
but at the core
beautiful-imperfection ...............