Hey Hey
I have been working away
back to back days
out of the frame
not blogged
always journaling
which keeps my awareness
fitness - always needed.
I have had some great experiences.
I facilitate them.
I always say
I don't train
I facilitate experiences.
is always on the Objectives list.
The thing is
I gain so much from this.
Yes me.
Using participatory methods
means that everyone
is inputting into the group present.
Those transactions are always like
sipping iced lager on a hot day.
Love it.
I will post Pipturesques here.
I snap all the time.
Seeing humans interacting
I love it.
I hate to stop them talking
but I do -
I need to move them on in the process
of being and becoming .....
I am working at home tomorrow
and I have a massive backlog
deadline stuff
dear dear me ...
bBeautiful my friend
Thank you for clicking this way.
You are so beautiful .....