One goal is to seek the person of high position,
the great person, the spiritual person, the clever person,
the fine person, the person who because of his or her talents
or achievements represents a peak, as it were,
in the mountain range of humanity.
The other goal is to seek the minorities,
the physically and mentally retarded,
the prisoners, and the despised; the degraded,
the enslaved, the exploited, the weak,
and the poorest of the poor.
The first goal aims to exalt the individual.
The other seeks the wonder and mystery of God
becoming human by seeking the lowest place.
Two completely opposite directions!
One is the self-glorifying upward thrust.
The other is the downward movement to become human.
One is the way of self-love and self-exaltation.
The other is the way of God’s love and love of one’s neighbour.
not my words but forgot who's.