My work with groups is a challenge.
Not only do I aim to communicate
but I aim to create an environment
and opportunity
for everyone there to communicate.
Yes listening!
Yes verbally and non-verbally
expressing themselves.
One big issue here is something
I have good conversations about.
The issue of our own sensitivity to ourselves.
If we are not aware of our own feelings,
in touch with them,
it seems to me we are in a struggle
to understand other humans.
So many people I know
do not know how they are feeling,
being able to put a word to a feeling.
I am happy.
I am frustrated.
I am angry.
I am low.
I am bitter.
I am at peace.
I am .......................
you fill in the space about your feelings now.
Think of the last time
when you and your
closest/loved one/friend/partner/colleague
had some sort of conflict?
For instance::
* a sharp unthought out exchange
* a nasty comment
* a put down
* a sarcastic remark
* a raised voice in anger
* a step back into non-communication
* an hour of silence between you
* feeling annoyed about the other
* or maybe some other behaviour or feeling.
Have you done that?
If so - move to the .......
Second question.
At that time, which you have recalled,
was you feeling one or more of the below::
1 Hungry
2 Angry
3 Lonely
4 Tired
Usually, in my experience,
we are at our worst
when one or more of these is alive in us.
Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired.
© Pip Wilson