I stopped at a motorway services as I travel home after a day with some beautiful human doing such wondrous work with humans on the edge.
I was drained as normal after giving all I have -
engaging with these beautiful humans.
As slumped, drinking my second flat-white coffee ............,
I observed people around me.
I then Tweeted this::
Expressionless - motionless - silent #Mother with two kids in a cafe - on her phone .....
"Everyone we meet is fighting a battle
we know nothing about ....."
I woke up this morning at 3.45 with cramp in my left calf, as I often do after a stretching day - adrenaline was over pumped!
I jumped out bed - stretched my legs - drank water and returned to bed.
Then, as a became sleepless, the video in my head was replaying the images of that Mother & her two children.
I remembered that the kids were eating their fast food with gusto.
THEN I remembered that she was not eating or drinking.
She only started to eat when they had finished .......
she was eating their left-overs ....
the remains of corn on the cob.....
the remains of a hamburger ............
Tears in my eyes now as I reflect on this .......