Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The rooms of my mind

The rooms of my mind are crowded lonely places
Doors swing on greaseless hinges
And branches rattle against dusty windows.
The unwary visitor steps back in shock.

Cases grimed in dust
The locks destroyed, the secrets shown
Dirty laundry, ill-fitting clothes
The unfashionable remnants of my past.

Photos from long-ago lay strewn
Smiling faces smudged by time and truth
Families ripped apart
Bleached out sepia and hand tinted prints
Which hide the truth.

Books haphazardly tossed in piles.
Fairy stories shredded
“Happy ever after” that never was
The demons escape the covers and devour the feeble faint hearted heroes.

Boxes stacked shoulder high
Their contents bared to cold electric lights
Reality there for those who must see.
A door closes as they turn away.

by Caroline

Thank you Caroline for sharing this with me and saying I can share with ............
