Wednesday, November 05, 2008


This is the picture/on Mac moment when I climbed out of bed and discovered the news that Obama will be the next President of America.
Just like when someone becomes a Christian.
I am delighted and scared.
The life journey, for all of us, has continued and now began on a different road.
A Road Less Travelled.

M Scott Peck, in his book 'The Road Less Travelled', said this
- the first three words in the book,

So will be our life as we life outside our comfort zones where growth resides.
I am prepared to walk Obama way. He will make mistakes.
He is not perfect.
Like you, you are - beautiful imperfection.

Like me, I am 'beautiful imperfection'.
Let us pray that a new world will begin today.

I have just wept when I heard John McCain's speech acclaiming the win for Obama.
He reminded me of recent history of bigotry.
These pains are powerful to me.
They churn my soul.
That place is where my tears reside.
In a place called freedom.

Come weep with me.
Come delight with me.
Come change with me.
Come love like you have never been hurt with me
Come love like you have never been hurt with Obama
Come love like you have never been hurt with the creator of love
and every human who lives to love.

Every human who lives to see justice on every street corner.
See justice on every scarred soul.
bBlessed today.
You are so beautiful .............