Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Group Work using the Blob Tree

I cannot tell you the trauma that these young people have been through at such an early age.

I am talking about those aged 16/17 and some a little older.

I feel sad now  

I hope, you will sense my feelings.
I have, so many times, felt / experienced real violence 
and threats of violence for about four/five hours. 
I have been tense all that time. 
Then I enter recovery………. 

Reminds me of the years working in East London with youth gangs, 
the uncontrolled violence and even the pleasure from it. 
I hate it.

Yes I feel sad. Reflective. 
I must reflect when I have feelings......

I have used the Blob Tree* with a group of BHP's**. 
It is without a doubt, the most known and used tool from any of my books.

And here is a contrast as I work with a group,
all vulnerable young humans
so many with a hard surface.
So many numbing their real feeling
for fear of revealing their real vulnerabilities.

This group session processed like this:-
the usual messing about at the front end - then
I ask a Question::
'which Blob on the Tree is your feelings now?' 
Only a short pause - then the most mashed up human spoke, and said.... 
he was mashed.
then, following that lead,
the others now had permission to be 
honest = self revelation.

Some were feeling isolated - 
expressing those feelings, 
others tumbling words 
out of touch with the tree questions
but about their life - 
real honesty flooded, 
real feelings.

The next was asking which Blob would they like to be.
The ones hugging were popular
the ones in touch/touching each other each other.
Climbing the tree, 
helping others into the tree, 
fantastic sharing.

The process ended with a message 
that we need to 'own' the facts/reality of what has happened. 
We cannot change the past just one little bit 
we can plan and aim for the future. 
A better future.
A group of people being beautiful together 
and I have the joy of being there. 
Me.......................... a human becoming...........................

Do you know how I feel?
This feeling stuff comes out and then, 
it does not end there, 
it then moves on to reflection and into:-
which means thought and action.

* = the Blob Tree, you can download a copy HERE if you want but not to put it into cyber space
** = BHP means 'beautiful human person’. 

I FEEL - how do you feel?
