It is late night and he wanted to talk.
I had never seen him before.
He is 24 and an alcoholic.
He said this.
Non of my imposing.
The first thing he said ........
"I was reading what you said (in my note pushed under every door of the 150 bed hostel) and it makes so much sense.
It makes me feel so good.
The philosophy is so good for me"
He wanted to talk and he had been drinking.
He flowed.
Not out of his head.
He is waiting for a de-tox programme and is getting
professional help.
He needs it with the booze culture and the wacky-
backy culture which he and so many others are caught up in as a normal way of life.
He could not articulate his feelings.
Just a jumble of thoughts and words to describe his tortured soul.
I valued him.
Pointed out his crisp intelligence and honest openness in communication.
I listened and he shared.
I stretched myself into little inputs of memorable self help tips which he could hang his feelings on.
He has a big day before him.
He has choices only he can make.
He has my prayers and deep feeling.
He is 'ok' .....I am 'ok' ........
beautiful human person
needs a lover.