I am feeling bad because I have not been able to answer my eMails.
I am a wee dysfunctional in that I am catching up with life but - Christmas is coming.
Yesterday I was with a man who was with a friend when he was shot dead.
I woke early this morning thinking about him.
An the young woman who told me yesterday about her friend who was stabbed to death.
Also in my head at 5 am.
I have a lot to think about and I always need to be raising my awareness to be in touch with the humans I meet and work with.
We only see a humans behaviour - not their experience .....
...... until we get close in a L5 relationship and then .....
...... we share the hurts as well as the smiles and the handshakes ....
If you are waiting for me to reply - a coffee - a bit of feedback -
I want to meet with you and get closer than we are ....
I yearn.
You are beautiful
but I want to share my experience
your experience .....