on the edge
at the sharp end
You may know that I spend one day every week
training different humans in issues of conflict
managing self
managing behaviour
preventing aggression
and violence
loving humans
valuing humans.
Had another day like that
as I travelled to Eastbourne
(type into google earth 'Eastbourne,uk and the world will spin and zoom down onto Eastbourne)
and I will wave when I see you.
I was dead tired after a fantastic day
mind full of the beautiful humans I have been with
I was tired
massive traffic coming out of London at 6.30
slow so slow
feelings calm
after an intense day
wondrous day
stimulating day
wow stinking wow
I was tired
stiff neck
eyes gripping the wheel
and road
guides by satellites
speaking out load
'love these humans'
fantastic being with them'
I had not eaten proper
sandwich at lunch time
now feeling the emptiness
but not in the soul
the soul is undressed
dancing naked
I thought this week
I am less a Trainer
more a Facilitator
more a Gamester.
I think that I encourage
to jump through hoops
of new experiences
then reflect
and then the learning
me too
Now I twist my head around
now before me
1,000 beautiful humans
all youth workers
along with me
new life
good news
I will share the pix as I journey here
wifi here
even my bedroom
want to reflect
(I have heard of a band called
like it)
I have been so busy recently that I have not reflected on these experiences
must do
need to
want to
yearn to
Then I think of you
in your
beautiful imperfection
wonder who you are?
here and now
not yesterday
today ............ now?
I think you are beautiful
precious to the core
loved 100%