Sunday, May 02, 2010

Late night Wilson here
from the Leaning Towers of

I am tired right now.
I don't feel like going to bed.
I want to blog.
I want to expel
I want to reflect
I want to undress
I want to undress my soul......

Joan has bought me tickets
to see Gil Scott-Heron live
in London at Somerset House.

We had a small group of Level Fivers
meet together last night.
My favourite Italian in Covent Garden
London Town folks.
Massive in terms of food but,
by no means, however,
can it be superior to
the humans present.

This year come August,
we will have been meeting for 30 years.
All of us don't meet -
we are scattered nationwide- and beyond.
My previous blogs have reflected on L5
and on our group.
What we do
how we come together
how we connect and enjoy ...............
It is beautiful.

In the L5 group
I feel accepted
in the long term.

That acceptance is real in other groups/parts of my life too
but L5 is special because we are apart and yet .....
we come together and take our clothes off our souls.
There is a link from my www homepage about L5.

In some networks I don't feel accepted.
I think I am seen as odd.
I agree with the odd bit.
A few years ago I was on holiday
and I decided I was odd.
I don't fit the frame, don't comply,
don't use the language,
go to the right places for some.
I accept that as I do being 'odd'.
I don't think it is
Spiritually Intelligent
Emotional Intelligent
to change a decided life style to fit into groups.
I feel I am too-much-full-on-faith for some.
Some others I feel don't consider me to be OK in this area.

I believe in 'belonging'
and want to be loyal to groups.
I don't want to isolate myself.
Wrap myself in 'family' like so many do.

I believe the Divine accepts us.
Just as we are.
Becoming perfect today
could not increase the love tomorrow.
It is 100%

You are accepted.
You are accepted,
accepted by that which is greater than you,
and the name of which you do not know.
Do not ask for the name now;
perhaps you will find it later.
Do not do anything now;
perhaps later you will do much.
Do not seek anything, do not perform anything,
do not intend anything.
Simply accept the fact that you are accepted.’
If that happens to us, we experience grace.
paul tillich

I wonder if you have decided.
Decided on life?
Something written?
Writing makes things concrete.
Always changeable -
but writing is reality now.

Knowing we are loved -
and we want to reside
in a place called change.

Write write write
even if only you sees it.
Write a Mission Statement.
A vision ............

"If your vision doesn't scare you,
then both your vision and your God
are too small."
- Brother Andrew

I have changed this week.
The humans I have
talked with
worked with
mixed with
eat with ........
have added to my life
like the power switch thrown.

I love being thrown .........

throw |θrō|
verb ( past threw |θroō|; past part. thrown |θrōn|)
1 [ trans. ] propel (something) with force through the air by a movement of the arm and hand : I threw a brick through the window.
• move (a part of the body) quickly or suddenly in a particular direction: she threw her head back and laughed.
• project or cast (light or shadow) in a particular direction : a chandelier threw its bright light over the walls.
• deliver (a punch).
• direct (a particular kind of look or facial expression) : she threw a withering glance at him.
• project (one's voice) so that it appears to come from someone or something else, as in ventriloquism.
• ( throw something off/on) put on or take off a garment hastily : I threw on my housecoat and went to the door.
• move (a switch or lever) so as to operate a device.
• roll (dice).
• obtain (a specified number) by rolling dice.
• informal lose (a race or contest) intentionally, esp. in return for a bribe.
2 [ trans. ] cause to enter suddenly a particular state or condition : he threw all her emotions into turmoil | the bond market was thrown into confusion.