Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Deb, see the group photo/top left,
was suddenly taken ill on Monday after our great week-end away with the Level-Five group.

She wasn't too well over the w/e but when Mark, top right, emailed around lunch time on Monday .....
..... she was really critical, in ICU and we didn't, still don't, know why?

It seems at a distance that she was in a coma and was rushed to hospital by Mark and Josh - Mark thinking he had lost her.

It was horrendous for us -
Mark must have lived through a terror attack.

The message come lunchtime today -
she is out of the crisis but maybe liver damage.

We prayed so much.
Their Church prayed on a rota -
friends all over the place
offering stumbling prayers.

Don't know more
Lord have Mercy

Get well soon