Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I am thinking about you,
how you are.

I only know what you tell me
I guess it helps if I listen
If I make it clear
I want to know your whole,
your whole self
The Rose
The Thorns
the Joys
the deepest dark corners.

I really do want to know

Your humaness draws me.
The superficial - yes
because often we have to start there (L1)
but you know I really want to know your depth,

My life is love unknown
I don't know love

By knowing you better
I will know love better.

When we sip peppermint tea together
we taste each others breath
we hear heartbeats
we exchange them.

We reach out and place one finger on each others pulse
we see the slight movement in the corners of our mouths
the surge of blood through your neck vein.

I have a proximity sensor
I know when you feel comfortable
I know when you want space
eyes communicating
quiet - longer - pauses.

Time together means we can drift
We can talk about a range of humans in our lives
What we have been DOING
what we have loved
who we have loved.

We can talk TV/movies/books/values
all have powercables into our souls.

we have Level Five
which needs to be touched
dug out.

We both have deeper thoughts
than we have never articulated,
never known
because we never place them in parcels of words,

And we are delighted as we word them,
it releases us as we own them
understand them more
feel them more
brush the cobwebs off
they are part of us
they are buried
but alive

Why have we been away from them for so long?

that is why we need each other!
That is why we need time together.
Time - not just
how are you
nice to see you
are you alright
I'm ok - and you
Have a nice day .......

I love it when I see your eyes glaze.
I love that tear on your upper cheek
ready to fall

and I feel able to wipe it away with my forefinger
without hesitation
because we know tears tell
we know tears spill
more than liquid
more than words

It is good to be here with you for this short time.
Can we meet again?
Can we get closer.
Can I have the privilege of telling you who I am today?
Are you willing to journey further along the road with me?
I am with you
I desire intimacy with you ...........