Becoming Questions NUMBER 4
Thank you to everyone who has participated.
Answered my questions - with deep meaningful responses.
I welcome others to join in at any time
“When was the last time you cried, and WHY?”
As I always do as a group worker
I will always answer first - striving to be an OPEN BOOK.
On a journey in joining the dots between my inner and outer being = BECOMING.
A couple of weeks ago I cried
when I was watching a UK TV programme of live music.
It is called 'LATER' - a late evening programme.
That barrel chested, as I am, singer Gregory Porter
Stepped to the mike and sang::
'Purple Rain’.
He is a Jazz singer, not a bit like Prince but a beautiful human.
I love his voice coming out of his massive frame.
I wept
I was moved
I was touched deep in my soul.
Every artist on the show
every instrumentalist started singing in chorus.
Africans, French, English ......and
Every person in the audience was singing ……..
I have never EVER seen that before.
A Tribute to Prince
but + a great stand alone majestic music moment.
WHY was I weeping? I think it was because it was a deep sense of community.
I believe their was a climate of empathy, trust, community and I felt it.
You can see it / FEEL IT HERE::
Pip Wilson
Now it is your turn.
Please email me with your tears/emotion/feelings/answer …….
Ideally before noon Saturday 21st May 2016
(BUT please mail me whenever you are able
this week or next year - I just want to encourage you to share ….)
FOR FIRST TIMERS - a guide is below.
Thank you in anticipation on behalf of all readers = 2k to 3k+ every week.
GUIDE - Becoming Questions
1) I will post my questions on my www.pipwilson and links to Facebook ,Twitter and sometimes Instagram (which I call Pipstagram!)
QUESTIONS posted - SUNDAYS - ANSWERS posted Saturdays (a week later).
ON my
2) YOUR Answers/reflections won't fit easily into a Tweet or Facebook because of confidentiality.
I prefere you to email me your answer. (see my - click CONTACT to reveal my email address.)
Your answer can be sent to me by by any method, of course, as it is your personal reflection.(Facebook/Messenger/eMail)
3) I encourage you to answer the questions - I would love you to, BUT, you are the DECIDER whether to answer or not!
Some questions will be easy & and can be answered quickly. Others will mean googling your life/soul/experiences/imagination!!
4) Please can you answer via emailing me. My eMail address is on my website header see CONTACT on my
I don’t post my email address online as the spammers grab everyone they see automatically
5) Can you end your response/answer with either::
A) your name
C) Private for Pip ONLY ………………….. because I want to PUBLISH everyone's answers to all my questions on my website to stimulate imagination and feed others..
6) Some questions will be fun, light, deeper stretching ,exciting with an objective of stimulating development for all of us & those who will read the questions & answers in future months.
4) I ask that questions that are answered by you are NOT in a joking / witty / superficial manner BUT in a creative / discovering/ imaginative sincere way. (You may not wish to answer some questions AND THAT IS FINE - but it is always good to ask yourself WHY? - - we learn from every experience!)
5) These questions are open to ANYONE/EVERYONE to answer. You are Unique and your reflections will be.
6) Please consider sharing these ANSWERS/questions on social media to encourage participation. SHARE / RETWEET etc.