Tuesday, May 31, 2016

'LEVEL FIVE' Communication - a great aid to emotional well being.

When a person wants to share something 
big and real in their life, 
it is so beautiful when they take the courage. 

But time passes without disclosing ...

Getting to that point ...
To the point of self disclosure
is a hard road. 
A road less travelled. 
But time passes ...

Emotions and thoughts are entwined 
as everything is considered. 
It is natural to not want to share 
because personal issues usually feel like failures. 
Personal, relational, humbling embarrassing, even. 

Time passes by .....

Hours and emotions are used up. 
Maybe not so much thinking, 
but emotions and energy is draining away 
as long as the situation is undisclosed 
and definitly not resolved. 

It is difficult to tell anyone. 
Delay ensures. 
Time and energy used up. 
Some times temporary release is found 
in alcohol/eating/drugs/unhealthy 
relationships - one or many. 

A person on hand is essential at this time. 
A confidential person. 
A listening person. 
Someone not jumping on the advice band wagon. 
Someone who can be a trusted & supportive friend. 

Decision being made, 
now the best time is considered. 
Time can pass by .....
Emotions wasted 
Life on hold ....

The time and place are manuvered   
into place. 
Then it happens. 

Level Five. 
Being level five is when one or more person 
processes their communication and 
sharing towards openness and honesty. 
This included sharing vulnerability. 
Taking the masks off. 
Undressing their souls with another. 

The Levels are::
1.  Cliche 
2.  Facts
3.  Opinions
4.  Feelings
5.  Total Openness.