All my feelings are mine.
If you visit this place regularly or dip in over the years
you will know I am working on understanding my feelings
and through them understand other BHP’s
Their behaviour
Their lives
Their feelings ……
I came at this ‘feelings’ stuff when I first discovered my feelings when I was 40.
Of course, like you, I have been full of feelings before that and thereafter.
But in this era of my life I discovered I could
feel them,
think about them,
understand them better and
start to manage them.
(NOT ‘CONTROL' them - I consider ‘control' a negative thing - the word 'manage' suits me better.)
I was already on a spiritual journey
a sort of googling of the soul.
A sort of getting to know the Divine and the wholeness journey.
Faith, belief, spiritual, emotional, relational …… all seem to me to be part of
the journey into life - into wholeness and BECOMING all that we can become.
So we all have feelings and we need to
own them
make them known
learn from them.
I believe in emotional openness and want to (learn to) express them
even in my inarticulate state of becoming.
Feelings are something we have
NOT something we are.
Feelings are signals.
Feelings are part of our humanness.
Feelings can be beautiful and also painful.
I came at this stuff from the street.
As an uneducated man I wanted to learn
to be able to help others.
As an urban Youth Worker I always felt out of my depth.
Understanding behaviour, strong aggressive personalities
That is what I wanted to understand
get equipped in - become aware of - become skilled in.
Not an academic thing but a street thing.
So I had to put on my own oxygen mask first
to then be able to help others - to enter into helping relationships.
That passion continues.
The learning continues.
Why not answer some of my Becoming Questions?
(found on this website - use the SEARCH feature to find)
Or why not write me - anything - about anything AND
maybe we could meet up for a coffee - if we are within reach?