I first designed the Rolling Magazine for the Greenbelt Festival in 1981. Then it just rolled on year after year ......
I was asked if I could deliver a Youth programme as the Festival Board considered that the whole Festival Programme was more 'Guardian' than Tabloid - too heady for young active physically thirsty young humans.
It developed over the years - eventually with a team of 40 volunteers including a film crew, a games crew and a whole back up team dealing with the music, tech and stage design.
At Greenbelt we held 5 x two and a half hour sessions over the week-end.
Morning and afternoon Saturday & Monday and one on Sunday afternoon.
On top of that I designed a Late Show in the same big top venue called::
'The Very Stinking Late Show'.
That was also rammed with all ages and often ran through to 1am - a two hour show.
The concept of Rolling Magazine was/is - every two minutes there is something changing ....... non stop - music - dancing - games - quick interviews - - deep stretching questions - spiritual/physical/relational experiences - one song only from performing artistes - NOT a show with an audience but a show with everyone participating/involved.
Non stop participation .....
The games were not only stunningly messy on stage but active and wild in the main arena - in Greenbelt terms this was a BIG TOP TENT with 2,000 young humans rammed close together
interacting. .....
If you search YouTube you will see examples of the RM in various languages/countries around Europe.
I have just returned from Norway (exhausted and in recovery) and kept the week free to allow my ancient frame and spinning brain to recover!

People think I do this all the time whilst really I spend most of my time facilitating day training courses for professionals or teams of people workers doing vital work on the frontiers of life and need.
I am open for hire !
I have about 10 gigs already in the diary for 2017 but enquiries are welcome - see my www.pipwilson.com for details (ABOUT tab on my website)

The last RM I facilitated with DJ Torgrim was two years ago for the YMCA/YWCA Tensing Festival in Alesund, Norway - (TenSing = Teenagers singing - they have programmes all over Norway where they get teens involved in their own band with solo singers, drama, fun, dancing and choirs - real participation with the performance arts to the fore.)
If you see my Instagram feed (I call it Pipstagram) you will see little clips of these wondrous performances - ONE Tensing group had a massive band/artiste/choir totalling 75 teenagers. Youth Work using talent = the art that is within all of us.
My INSTAGRAM name tag is 'BeautifulHumanPerson'
We had a busy wild crazy time in Norway.
The team I had was a group of International Young People (CFC = Communication for Change).
They are on a one year programme in Norway KFUK KFUM with a programme of developing themselves to be able to deliver change & development when they return to their own communities & countries.
They can't half dance - strike up some passion - thank you you beautiful humans for giving all you had to the RM and the whole of life & my life.
I love doing this sort of stuff.
I love working with young people.
I love working with Youth Workers.
I love working with People Workers.
I lobe being stretched.
I love the learning I gain when facilitating learning.
I am still buzzing from my time in Norway.
I love being there and meeting many friend who I have met since my first visit in 1993.
Here a glimpse of the programme::