Friday, July 02, 2010

How do you fancy a few moments involved in an exercise?

My name is Pip Wilson - and I love to create opportunities to for humans to feel deeper and grow.
Not my way
But your way.

If you click the illustration above - it will enlarge.
Then touch one of the Blobs which is most like how you feel at this moment.
Maybe more than one - so use two fingers.
The reason I say touch - is because the touching is doing/interacting/moving (motion changes emotion).
By touching we are reaching deeper into the feeling part of ourselves.

The Blobs don't offer an answer because we all read them slightly different. They are just developmental tools.

When you have done the touching bit. Try placing a word to the feelings you have inside. This very act is an act of practicing Emotional Literacy. Becoming more articulate about the inner workings of our soul - the centre of our being - and becoming.

If there are others around your your computer - ask them to have a go - and have a little discussion about the exercise AND the feelings especially.

By doing this, thank you, you are entering into your internal being - the road less travelled.
The internal beautiful human you.